Conventional Varieties


CT 210

CT 210 is Cold Tolerant, a mid-early picker type variety that sets large bolls in a semi-cluster fruiting pattern. Excellent yield in both irrigation and dry land conditions.


UA 103

UA 103 (PVP #8552274) is a large seed, early season okra-leaf, picker-type cotton, that was developed in Keiser, Arkansas. This seed has excellent fiber and yield in dry land and irrigated practices.


UA 222

UA 222 (PVP #8559862) is a mid-early, picker-type cotton developed in Keiser, Arkansas.
It has excellent fiver and yield in dry land and irrigation systems.

New Varieties


UA 107

UA 107 (PVP Pending) is a very early cotton developed from UA 103. A smooth leaf with aggressive growth, producing a taller plant that has some stress tolerance; high yielding with excellent fiber.
It has several desirable host plant disease resistant traits, and also some resistance to tarnish plant bugs.
Staple 36-39, mic 4.5 – 4.8, strength 30.0 0 33.


UA 114

UA 114 (PVP Pending) is an early to mid-early picker type cotton; high yielding with excellent fiber characteristics. Resistant to bacterial blight, fusarium wilt, and tolerant to verticillium wilt with moderately resistance to tarnish plant bugs.
Staple 36-39, mic 4.5 – 4.9, strength 30 – 33.

This information is provided by Seed Source Genetics based on historical data and does not predict future performance. The performance on your farm will vary according to the environmental conditions, annual growing conditions, and crop management practices. These factors affect variety performance, fiber quality, seed size, maturity and incidence of disease.
No warranty of performance in any variety is made.
